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The Gear Page

You want to sound great

Here's what you will and won't find on our stage


Please bring your instrument or make arrangements with someone else at the event. We don't have instruments to lend to performers.

Live Music
Live Music


We encourage people to bring their own microphones, but if you don't have one, sing through one of our Sennheiser microphones.

  • Evolution 835, 935, 965

  • MD 431-II

  • MM 435, MM 445 

  • We use fresh microphone covers for every performer if they don't have one

L1 Pro32 Sub2-1_edited.png

Main PA

We're using Bose L1 Pro32 systems with T8S ToneMatch mixers for the front-of-house sound and monitoring. These deliver crystal clear sound on the stage and in the house.

L1 Pro32 Sub2-1_edited.png
Band on Stage



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For acoustic guitars, bass guitars, and electronic instruments, we connect to the Bose Tonematch mixers. Electric basses and acoustic standup basses with pickups sound great through our system.
For electric guitars, we're using Kemper Profilers for guitar amp modelling. 

You're welcome to bring pedalboards and plug them into the PA.
You don't need to bring your backline amp.  We run all sound sources through our board to manage the volume and balance the mix for the stage and the house. 

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