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Band on Stage

Stage Guidelines

Your Set, Your Spotlight. When it’s your turn, you choose the songs and your accompaniment. This is your time to shine and share your passion.

We're all about live music. No spoken word, comedy, or Karaoke (singing or playing over backing tracks). While we're open to artistic expression in lyrics, we try to keep it family-friendly. If you have doubts about fitting in,  please use the contact form at the bottom of this page and tell us about your act.


These guidelines are about Respect. Respect for you, the performer, the music, the show, and the audience.

Our stage is filled with amazing talent, and we’re excited to give everyone a chance to shine. Each performer has fifteen minutes, including set-up and exit. That can be three songs, one long piece, or several short tunes, the time is yours. 


Please prepare before you come up:

  • Tune your instrument. This ensures you’re ready to give your best performance.

  • Select your songs in advance. This helps you feel confident and focused.

  • Make arrangements with musicians who will join you beforehand so everyone is ready. This creates a seamless and enjoyable experience for you and your audience.

  • Set up keyboards, amps, pedals, or other gear during breaks or come early (6:15 pm). This ensures you have ample time to prepare without feeling rushed.

  • If you have gear to set up, wait for a break between sets. Stay clear of the stage area while others are performing.

When you hit the stage

  • Keep it calm and quiet on stage between sets. Don’t play or sing while others are setting up. This helps maintain a calm and respectful environment for everyone. The audience needs quiet time between sets.

  • Keep track of your start time. This helps you make the most of your time.

  • Do not ask for extra time or additional songs at the end of your set. This ensures fairness and respect for all performers.

  • Be mindful of your time to ensure everyone gets their turn. This fosters a supportive and inclusive atmosphere.

Supporting Musicians

Do you want to play along with others?  Harmonica, saxophone, bass guitar, lead guitar, percussionist, and other instruments are welcome. 

  • Tell us you're here on the signup sheet, and check if the performer has invited supporting musicians. This shows respect for the performer’s wishes.

  • Only join in if invited by the performers. As a courtesy, talk to them before the set starts. This ensures that everyone feels comfortable and prepared.

  • Do not play along from the audience area. This keeps the focus on the performer and their moment. 

No amplifiers on stage

You don't need to bring your amp; we prefer that you don't. We run everything into our sound board or amp modellers so we can manage the balance and overall volume. 

If you absolutely must have a personal monitor amp, it must pointed at you and not at the audience or across the stage.  To be heard in the house, you can connect to our sound system.

The Whiteboard/Signup sheet

The whiteboard/signup sheet determines the order of play.

  • Put your name in an available slot. This secures your chance to perform.

  • Indicate if you’d like other musicians to join you. This helps you create the performance you envision.

  • If you want to change the order, discuss it with everyone listed after you. This ensures smooth transitions and mutual respect.

  • If you skip your turn, put your name at the end of the list unless you’ve arranged to swap slots. This keeps the flow fair for everyone.

  • Do not book two consecutive slots for the same people, even if roles change. Choose another non-consecutive slot. This gives everyone a fair chance to perform.

  • If time permits, we’ll start again from the top of the list. This offers additional opportunities for everyone.


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