We held our second Performers Workshop on December 12th, 2024. This was at the request of the people who attended the first one a week prior.
It was another wonderful session.
There were eight performers and a few more listeners than last time. This being our second workshop, we were all acquainted with one another and with the trust established last time, everyone came with an open mind and a willingness to help.
We were in the smaller lounge area at Club 240, which was well suited to sharing work in process and receiving candid feedback. We had microphones and amplification for guitars coming through the sound system. Based on feedback from the last session we added a foot-percussion instrument (stomp-box).
After a brief review of our notes from last time each performer did a song or a part of a song, and then we shared observations. This was an interative process where sometimes the participants would make suggestions and the performer would do the song again, incorporating changes.
Notes from this session
In addition to the topics from last time (see list at the bottom) we went on to explore
More ideas about how rhythm moves the song, the performer, the audience
Strumming patterns and variety
We started to explore how people harmonize
Working with an accompanist
Beginnings, Endings, Timing between verses, Transitions
Vocal Technique
Simplifying arrangements
Play the song (not the guitar)
Learning songs
To perform without reading
Next time
After some discussion with the group, we plan to do a workshop like this on a regular basis; likely once a month on Monday evenings.
Some Ideas for Next Time (in addition to topics above)
Reviewing the goals for the session
Establish the ground rules - x minutes per performer depending on number of people
So we can hear the performers; this won't be a jam or sing-along
Sit or Stand
Play from the stage (optional)
Invite more listeners
More discussion on Performance
Reading vs. performing
Club 240 was the perfect venue for this workshop. The staff were welcoming and supportive. Although we had use the smaller lounge area due to a scheduling conflict, we still met the goals for the session.
Notes from last time
Here are some of the topics we discussed:
Vocal Technique
Expression from within
Finding the appropriate key for the singer's voice
Guitar Technique
Choosing the right-hand approach to suit the song
Strumming or picking
Emphasizing the root notes
And nerves
Keeping the beat
Microphone Technique
How distance affects tone
Song Choice
Why this song?
Keep working on a song or choose another
Technical Considerations
Listening to differences in EQ (tone adjustments) in the sound system
Sound system
Bose L1 Pro32
T8S ToneMatch Mixer
Sennheiser 431-II
Sennheiser MD 445
Sennheiser MD 435
Neumann KMS 105
Guitar Processing
Kemper Stage Profiler